40+ Times People Forgot to Check the Background of Their Photos Before Posting Them Online

Reddit // u/Automatic-Air-1382

What’s the first thing you do when you upload a photo to social media? Maybe you check to see if it’s in focus, or you make sure your eyes are looking nice and sparkly. Perhaps you double-check that there aren’t any other people in the frame who aren’t supposed to be there. Yeah, didn’t think so… How about checking to make sure your background isn’t full of miscellaneous clutter, or worse, people? Unintentional and intentional photobombing are both on the rise. It can make you uncomfortable and earn you ridicule if you post a photobombed snap online. Check out these hilarious examples of people who forgot to check their pics’ backgrounds!

He’s Completely Trolling This Prom Picture

It’s always important to be aware of your surroundings before taking a photo, especially if you plan to post it online. Unfortunately, some people don’t realize this until it’s too late. As a result, they end up with some hilarious (and embarrassing) photos.

Twitter // @millselle

These girls are taking an epic prom photo, but one person doesn’t care about it. So, they prank their sister by getting a photo taken while eating from a bag of Doritos. The photobomber was the center of attention, despite the beautiful girls in the front.

Golf Cart Topples Over

While everyone should’ve been looking at the golfer in this shot, they were too busy reacting to the shock of the golf cart flipping over in the background. This looks like something that would happen in a series like Modern Family.

Instagram // @teetime_golfpodcast

It would definitely be Phil driving the cart and he’d be up to his usual antics while his father-in-law Jay plays golf with his buddies. You can imagine it too, right?

The Truth Is Right Behind You

One has to be very careful about the background when taking selfies. This guy forgot that he was standing in front of a car window while taking his own snap. Of course, he pretended that someone else was trying to click the snap and he was being camera-shy.

Reddit // u/TheRegime10

But, the window in the background had a different story to tell. It exposed the lie and clearly showed that the guy was in fact clicking a selfie. Poor guy! He was trolled brutally online for this photo.

Beware of the Photobombing Stalker

We all have that friend who constantly posts photos of themselves on social media. The one who seems to be in a new place every other day with their loved ones? Well, even they might not be cautious while clicking their snaps. So, what will be the result?

Reddit // u/[deleted]

A photobombing stalker like the one in the picture! While taking a cute photo together, the couple fails to notice a weird-looking girl standing on the other side of the storefront. Maybe she’s just jealous of their love and happiness.

The Hockey Player Who Tossed His Cookies

We’ve all been there – taking a photo and not realizing something embarrassing is happening in the background. But most of us don’t have to worry about our photos going viral. Unfortunately, that is what happened to this poor hockey player, who was caught in the midst of tossing his cookies.

Facebook // Remix Distribution Ltd

There may not be a ghost in the picture, but the kid on the left is definitely going all Linda Blair from The Exorcist. The kid below him has no idea he’s about to get a massive shower from the sick hockey player above him.

A Portal to Another Dimension

The woman in the foreground wanted to show off her expensive dress, but she didn’t care to remove the mirror from the background. Mirrors, it’s said, never tell a lie. Just at the moment when the snap was clicked, a friend of the woman entered the house and waved enthusiastically at her.

Instagram // @fail_selfies

It was captured as a perfect shot, where the woman in the front is all smiles, while the one in the mirror is exuberantly waving. Some people on social media went to the extent of saying that the mirror was a portal to another dimension.

Cats or Humans?

In today’s age of social media, clicking personal snaps requires professionalism as they’ll likely be posted online. Unfortunately, some people forget to check the background and they end up capturing something incredibly funny.

Reddit // u/Automatic-Air-1382

For instance, the people in the background seem to have emerged from the red hat. If you have a vivid imagination, you may also see cats messing around a cat tree. Or is that just us?

Schumer’s on Judge Judy

Seeing celebrities in court is nothing new, but actress Amy Schumer appearing in the audience on Judge Judy is unusual. We still can’t figure out how Judge Judy and Amy Schumer came to be together on one screen. Clearly, she wasn’t supposed to be captured in the same frame.

Twitter // @BetsyBarta

Maybe they knew each other beforehand? It was hilarious when Judge Judy asked if she was famous. It, again, establishes that the backgrounds should be adequately checked before posting the snaps.

Here’s Waldo!

Waldo, the iconic children’s book character, has been found – in a photo on the internet. But he’s not alone, he’s behind the bald man in the back of this restaurant. To make things clear, he’s been out of hiding for a long time and has grown tired of being searched for.

Reddit // u/holycrapidonteven

So, to entertain himself, he decided to appear in public places and was caught on camera during one such escapade. It’s all due to a couple of men in the snap who’ve posted the photo without checking. The result is hilarious!

The Llamas’ Hungry, Too

We’ve all been there – caught up in the moment when we snap a photo without checking the background first. Usually, it’s not a big deal but sometimes, it can lead to some seriously hilarious results. For example, in the picture, a llama patiently watches the ostrich eat so it can grab a bite from the driver’s bowl.

Facebook // The Urban Pet Store

But in the background, a little girl in the rear seat of the other car is crying hard (as if she wants to eat something as well). Not to mention that the expressions of the ostrich add to the humorous effect, as well.

Voldemort’s Tanning

We all know that person who spends too much time in the sun. They’re the ones with leathery skin and age spots. While there’s nothing wrong with getting a little sun, if it is Harry Potter’s arch-enemy Voldemort taking a tan, people will surely notice it.

Reddit // u/IgnotusPeverill

People on social media absolutely loved this photo! It was hilarious to see Voldemort in the open among common people. What made it even more enjoyable was that the beautiful women in the snap had no idea about it.

Weights Before Dates

Sometimes, you just can’t help but wonder how some people’s minds work. This father-son duo looks perfect together in the snap. However, if you look at the background, you’ll see a man wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “weight before dates”.

Reddit // u/[deleted]

He grabbed the attention of internet users, who found it very funny. Indeed, there are better ways of reminding oneself about the importance of fitness.

The Cat’s Thirsty

We’ve all been there- fumbling with our phones to take the perfect picture, only to realize a bit too late that something is embarrassing in the background. Apparently, this teen forgot to check the background of his photo before posting it online and people were in stitches after seeing it.

Reddit // u/colski08

Judging by the looks of it, this teen might have been taking a selfie before prom. However, his precious old cat can be seen sitting by the toilet trying to drink out of it. The cat in the back was obviously thirsty!

Beware of the Creepy Kid

This one is pretty self-explanatory. We’ve all seen photos of people with a creepy kid in the background, just staring at the camera. Though this photo will most likely make these women remember their fantastic day together, the look of pure evil and glee on the little kid’s face behind them will make the experience unforgettable.

Reddit // u/Automatic-Air-1382

So, next time you’re about to post a photo, make sure you quickly scan the background first for any such photobomber. You never know what you might find!

That’s Definitely Not Ronald

We’ve all had that experience when we’re in a hurry to post a photo online and we forget to check the background. Usually, it’s not a big deal, and no one notices. But sometimes, it can lead to some pretty hilarious results.

Facebook // Cursed Images

For example, this photograph shows a couple getting their picture taken. You would say it’s pretty standard, but the clown in the background creates the problem. In the background, a clown is seen riding a car as if he’s decided to stalk the teens wherever they go.

He Reported Fake News

While scrolling through social media, you’ll sometimes see a headline that seems too good to be true. So, of course, you click on it. But then, the background gives it away. You realize that the story is entirely fake!

Reddit // u/[deleted]

You feel duped and a little embarrassed, but hey, at least you’re not alone. The FOX 9 reporter insists that the party’s over, but the guys in the background beg to differ, as they’re still partying hard.

Toddler’s Head-Twisting Photo

Checking the background of photos before posting them online is essential, especially if small children are involved. In the background, the guy is bent over at the precise moment that the kid in the foreground raised his fist.

Twitter // @23Kinsy

Because of the distance, it appears that the toddler was grabbing this man’s head and spinning it. Clearly, a lesson learned is to be careful about the background of all photos you want to post online. Although a little weird, this photo was still extremely popular online.

Caught in the Act

Have you been caught in the act of doing something you weren’t supposed to do? Of course, but when you’re caught red-handed, there’s usually someone there to witness it. Unfortunately, this poor soul was caught in the act while some women were taking a photo.

Reddit // u/swift_

When one of the bathrooms is used by both genders, no one wants people to know what’s happening. This ended up being pretty unfortunate for the lady caught coming out of the wrong bathroom. The worst part is that the picture was then put online.

Once You See it, You Can’t Unsee It

You’re about to post a photo online, and you think it looks great. But then, right before you hit the button to post it, you realize there’s something in the background that you totally forgot about. A man in the background looks relatively tiny because of the optical illusion.

Twitter // @tumour

What’s more awkward is the fact that he appears to be sitting on the woman’s back. These women definitely wish they’d taken another look at their photos before posting them for the world to see.

Sinister Bunny

The person taking this photo has good photography skills that are on point, but they probably should’ve taken a closer look at the background of their photo before posting it online. It looks like there’s a sinister bunny lurking behind them! See what we mean?

Reddit // u/teetertottermcpotter

Well, someone’s peeping at these kids right through the bunny’s mouth! It’s a good idea for a future horror movie, however, such a bunny is undoubtedly not a good option for a background.

A Rat in the Clutter

Some people are so obsessed with taking selfies that they even flaunt the clutter and mess they create. One such person is the girl in this photo who looks fabulous but is standing in the midst of a room full of clutter.

Facebook // Relationship Viral

A sharp-eyed viewer could detect a rat in the clutter when the woman posted this picture. She received a lot of flak for not maintaining cleanliness. Some were even worried about her health, living in such untidy surroundings. While some were funny enough to wonder if the rat was a pet.

The Cutest Photobomber

It’s rightly said that some people develop early in their lives. They come across as extraordinarily talented and go on to achieve great things in life. The kid in this picture appears to be on the path to becoming the greatest photo bomber ever.

Facebook // Embarrassing Photos and Fails

Her mother tried to take a photo, posing in front of the mirror, holding the baby in her arms, but he was up to his antics. He came in front of the camera with a curious face, and here we have the cutest photo bomber ever!

Photobombed by a Superhero

The man in the picture has a ripped physique and is an ardent fan of Batman. So, when he saw the Batmobile, he couldn’t help but flex his muscles in front of it. Another person, dressed up as Batman, standing in the background imitated him to perfection.

Reddit // u/[deleted]

The snap looks extremely funny with the fan in the front and the superhero at the back. It must’ve felt good to have been photobombed by his favorite superhero.

Sneaky Bean

This may seem like the selfie of an ordinary man and it is. But when you see the face of Mr. Bean in the background, you won’t be able to unsee it.

Reddit // u/Automatic-Air-1382

It almost looks like he’s sneaking up on this poor, innocent bearded fella in classic Mr. Bean style. Okay, we’re off to the online store to purchase such a sticker for our homes, too.

Mind Your Head

Vacation pictures have become so popular that even amateurs have expert-level skills in clicking snaps. But at times, someone enters into the background at the last moment, photobombs the snap but creates a good memory.

Facebook // PUBLIC Bikes

In this picture, the focus is on the man in the foreground, but our attention is drawn to the poor guy in the background. The cyclist hit the lamp post head-on when the snap was clicked. The overall snap is hilarious though.

Leave the Kid With Dad, They Said

A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes those words are: What were you thinking? While this hunky man is in the foreground, the father in the background appears to be performing some sort of gymnastics with his kid.

Facebook // Mildly Disturbing Pictures

They’re just kidding around and this is probably the kid’s early training sessions. If this father is also as dedicated as the Williams sisters’ father, this kid will also reach the Olympics.

News Reporter Twinning Live

We’ve all been there – you’re about to post a photo online and you can’t help but notice the perfect timing of your photo. But then, you realize that there’s something in the background of your photo that you overlooked before.

Reddit // u/Automatic-Air-1382

It happened in this photo, when TV viewers watching Mustafa Barghouti may have thought they were seeing double when they observed the TV behind him playing the live news report he was doing. So next time, he’ll ensure that the TV behind isn’t tuned to the same channel.

There’s a Truck in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is one of the most popular TV shows and people are obsessed with it. However, one eagle-eyed fan noticed something odd in a recent episode – a truck in the background. In this screenshot taken from behind-the-scenes footage of Game of Thrones, you can see a modern-day truck in the background.

Twitter // @9GAG

Naturally, we want to know if any people were dismissed for their blunder. Whatever happened, a modern-day truck in the background of Game of Thrones is a real oddity.